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Albert Edward Frost

ALBERT EDWARD FROST Off.Cdt.  RASC   d.14/5/1943   aged 26    S/151416











The son of Elijah and Isabella (née Phillips) Frost, ALBERT EDWARD FROST was the husband of Irene (née Maddison) Frost of Worsley. They were married in the Barton district in the last quarter of 1939. His parents, Elijah and Isabella, had been married on 15 September 1915 at the Irwell Street Wesleyan Chapel, Salford.
The role of the RASC in the field fell into two main parts, supply and transport. Supply embraced the provision of food, petrol and lubricants, fuel and light, hospital supplies and disinfectants. Transport was concerned with the conveyance of the above supplies, together with ammunition, engineer stores, ordnance stores and post, from railhead, or from base if no railhead exists, to all units of a field force.

Researched and written by Paul R Speakman

Albert Frost
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